Abbreviations for Ellen White’s Writings

Abbreviations for Ellen White’s Writings. You can download EGW eBooks here.
Abbr. | Book or Periodical Title |
1888 | Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, The |
AA | Acts of the Apostles, The |
AG | God’s Amazing Grace |
AH | Adventist Home, The |
ApM | An Appeal to Mothers |
AUCR | [Australasian] Union Conference Record |
AY | Appeal to Youth |
1BC | Bible Commentary, The SDA , Vol. 1 (2BC for Vol. 2, etc.) |
BE | Bible Echo |
1Bio | Biography of E. G. White, Vol. 1 (2Bio for Vol. 2, etc.) |
BLJ | To Be Like Jesus |
BTS | Bible Training School |
CC | Conflict and Courage |
CCh | Counsels for the Church |
CD | Counsels on Diet and Foods |
CE | Christian Education |
CET | Christian Experience and Teaching |
CEv | Colporteur Evangelist |
CG | Child Guidance |
CH | Counsels on Health |
ChL | Christian Leadership |
ChS | Christian Service |
CL | Country Living |
CM | Colporteur Ministry |
CME | Call to Medical Evangelism |
COL | Christ’s Object Lessons |
Con | Confrontation |
COS | Christ Our Saviour |
CS | Counsels on Stewardship |
CSW | Counsels on Sabbath School Work |
CT | Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students |
CTBH | Christian Temperance (EGW) and Bible Hygiene (James White) |
CTr | Christ Triumphant |
CW | Counsels to Writers and Editors |
DA | Desire of Ages, The |
DF | Document File |
DG | Daughters of God |
Ed | Education |
Ev | Evangelism |
EW | Early Writings |
FE | Fundamentals of Christian Education |
FLB | Faith I Live By, The |
FH | From the Heart |
FW | Faith and Works |
GC | Great Controversy, The |
GC88 | Great Controversy, The (1888 Edition) |
GCB | General Conference Bulletin |
GCDB | General Conference Daily Bulletin |
GdH | Good Health |
GH | Gospel Herald |
GW | Gospel Workers |
GW92 | Gospel Workers (1892 edition) |
HL | Healthful Living |
HP | In Heavenly Places |
HPMMW | Health, Philanthropic, and Medical Missionary Work |
HR | Health Reformer |
HS | Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists |
Hvn | Heaven |
LDE | Last Day Events |
LHU | Lift Him Up |
LL | Lion on the Loose |
LP | Sketches From the Life of Paul |
LS | Life Sketches of Ellen G. White |
LS88 | Life Sketches of James and Ellen White (1888 edition) |
LLM | Loma Linda Messages |
Lt | Letter, E. G. White |
LYL | Letters to Young Lovers |
Mar | Maranatha, the Lord is Coming |
MB | Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing |
1MCP | Mind, Character and Personality, Vol. 1 (2MCP for Vol. 2) |
MH | Ministry of Healing, The |
ML | My Life Today |
MM | Medical Ministry |
1MR | Manuscript Releases, Vol. 1 (2MR for Vol. 2, etc.) |
Ms | Manuscript, E. G. White |
MYP | Messages to Young People |
NL | New Life, A |
1NL | Notebook Leaflets, Vol. 1 (2NL for Vol. 2) |
PaM | Pastoral Ministry |
OFC | Our Father Cares |
OHC | Our High Calling |
PHJ | Pacific Health Journal |
PM | Publishing Ministry, The |
PP | Patriarchs and Prophets |
PK | Prophets and Kings |
Pr | Prayer |
PUR | Pacific Union Recorder |
RC | Reflecting Christ |
RH | Review and Herald |
RR | Radiant Religion |
RY | Retirement Years, The |
SA | Solemn Appeal, A |
1SAT | Sermons and Talks, Vol. 1 (2SAT for Vol. 2) |
SC | Steps to Christ |
SD | Sons and Daughters of God |
SF Echo | Southern Field Echo |
1SG | Spiritual Gifts, Vols. 1 (3SG for Vols. 3, etc.) |
SJ | Steps to Jesus (adapted from SC) or Story of Jesus (on CD-ROM) |
SL | Sanctified Life, The |
1SM | Selected Messages, Book One (2SM for Book 2, etc.) |
SOJ | Story of Jesus, The |
1SP | Spirit of Prophecy, The, Vol. 1 (2SP for Vol. 2, etc.) |
SpT”A” | Special Testimonies, Series A (Nos. 1-12) |
SpT”B” | Special Testimonies, Series B (Nos. 1-19) |
SpTBCC | Special Testimonies to the Battle Creek Church |
SpTEd | Special Testimonies on Education |
SpTMMW | Special Testimonies Relating to Medical Missionary Work |
SpTMWI | Special Testimonies to Managers and Workers in Institutions |
SpTPH | Special Testimonies to Physicians and Helpers |
SR | Story of Redemption, The |
ST | Signs of the Times |
SW | Southern Work, The |
SW | Southern Watchman (if with date) |
1T | Testimonies for the Church Vol. 1 (2T for Vol. 2, etc.) |
TA | Truth About Angels, The |
TDG | This Day With God |
Te | Temperance |
TM | Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers |
TMK | That I May Know Him |
TSA | Testimonies to Southern Africa |
TSB | Testimonies on Sexual Behaviour, Adultery, and Divorce |
TSDF | Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods |
TSS | Selections From the Testimonies Bearing on Sabbath School Work (1900) |
1TT | Testimony Treasures, Vol. 1 (2TT for Vol. 2, etc.) |
UL | Upward Look, The |
Und Ms | Undated EGW Manuscript |
VSS | Voice in Speech and Song, The |
WM | Welfare Ministry |
YI | Youth’s Instructor, The |
YRP | Ye Shall Receive Power, A |
WLF | Word to the “Little Flock,” A |
Note: This is only a partial list of Ellen White’s writings.