Abbreviations for Ellen White’s Writings

Abbreviations for Ellen White's Writings

Abbreviations for Ellen White’s Writings. You can download EGW eBooks here.

Abbr.Book or Periodical Title
1888Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, The
AAActs of the Apostles, The
AGGod’s Amazing Grace
AHAdventist Home, The
ApMAn Appeal to Mothers
AUCR[Australasian] Union Conference Record
AYAppeal to Youth
1BCBible Commentary, The SDA , Vol. 1 (2BC for Vol. 2, etc.)
BEBible Echo
1BioBiography of E. G. White, Vol. 1 (2Bio for Vol. 2, etc.)
BLJTo Be Like Jesus
BTSBible Training School
CCConflict and Courage
CChCounsels for the Church
CDCounsels on Diet and Foods
CEChristian Education
CETChristian Experience and Teaching
CEvColporteur Evangelist
CGChild Guidance
CHCounsels on Health
ChLChristian Leadership
ChSChristian Service
CLCountry Living
CMColporteur Ministry
CMECall to Medical Evangelism
COLChrist’s Object Lessons
COSChrist Our Saviour
CSCounsels on Stewardship
CSWCounsels on Sabbath School Work
CTCounsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students
CTBHChristian Temperance (EGW) and Bible Hygiene (James White)
CTrChrist Triumphant
CWCounsels to Writers and Editors
DADesire of Ages, The
DFDocument File
DGDaughters of God
EWEarly Writings
FEFundamentals of Christian Education
FLBFaith I Live By, The
FHFrom the Heart
FWFaith and Works
GCGreat Controversy, The
GC88Great Controversy, The (1888 Edition)
GCBGeneral Conference Bulletin
GCDBGeneral Conference Daily Bulletin
GdHGood Health
GHGospel Herald
GWGospel Workers
GW92Gospel Workers (1892 edition)
HLHealthful Living
HPIn Heavenly Places
HPMMWHealth, Philanthropic, and Medical Missionary Work
HRHealth Reformer
HSHistorical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists
LDELast Day Events
LHULift Him Up
LLLion on the Loose
LPSketches From the Life of Paul
LSLife Sketches of Ellen G. White
LS88Life Sketches of James and Ellen White (1888 edition)
LLMLoma Linda Messages
LtLetter, E. G. White
LYLLetters to Young Lovers
MarMaranatha, the Lord is Coming
MBThoughts From the Mount of Blessing
1MCPMind, Character and Personality, Vol. 1 (2MCP for Vol. 2)
MHMinistry of Healing, The
MLMy Life Today
MMMedical Ministry
1MRManuscript Releases, Vol. 1 (2MR for Vol. 2, etc.)
MsManuscript, E. G. White
MYPMessages to Young People
NLNew Life, A
1NLNotebook Leaflets, Vol. 1 (2NL for Vol. 2)
PaMPastoral Ministry
OFCOur Father Cares
OHCOur High Calling
PHJPacific Health Journal
PMPublishing Ministry, The
PPPatriarchs and Prophets
PKProphets and Kings
PURPacific Union Recorder
RCReflecting Christ
RHReview and Herald
RRRadiant Religion
RYRetirement Years, The
SASolemn Appeal, A
1SATSermons and Talks, Vol. 1 (2SAT for Vol. 2)
SCSteps to Christ
SDSons and Daughters of God
SF EchoSouthern Field Echo
1SGSpiritual Gifts, Vols. 1 (3SG for Vols. 3, etc.)
SJSteps to Jesus (adapted from SC) or Story of Jesus (on CD-ROM)
SLSanctified Life, The
1SMSelected Messages, Book One (2SM for Book 2, etc.)
SOJStory of Jesus, The
1SPSpirit of Prophecy, The, Vol. 1 (2SP for Vol. 2, etc.)
SpT”A”Special Testimonies, Series A (Nos. 1-12)
SpT”B”Special Testimonies, Series B (Nos. 1-19)
SpTBCCSpecial Testimonies to the Battle Creek Church
SpTEdSpecial Testimonies on Education
SpTMMWSpecial Testimonies Relating to Medical Missionary Work
SpTMWISpecial Testimonies to Managers and Workers in Institutions
SpTPHSpecial Testimonies to Physicians and Helpers
SRStory of Redemption, The
STSigns of the Times
SWSouthern Work, The
SWSouthern Watchman (if with date)
1TTestimonies for the Church Vol. 1 (2T  for Vol. 2, etc.)
TATruth About Angels, The
TDGThis Day With God
TMTestimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
TMKThat I May Know Him
TSATestimonies to Southern Africa
TSBTestimonies on Sexual Behaviour, Adultery, and Divorce
TSDFTestimony Studies on Diet and Foods
TSSSelections From the Testimonies Bearing on Sabbath School Work (1900)
1TTTestimony Treasures, Vol. 1 (2TT for Vol. 2, etc.)
ULUpward Look, The
Und MsUndated EGW Manuscript
VSSVoice in Speech and Song, The
WMWelfare Ministry
YIYouth’s Instructor, The
YRPYe Shall Receive Power, A
WLFWord to the “Little Flock,” A

Note:  This is only a partial list of Ellen White’s writings.

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