The Sunshine Principle of the NEWSTART Complete Health Program
The ‘S’ in the NEWSTART Complete Health Program stands for the sunshine principle. Prior to creating mankind, God made everything that was necessary for their health and happiness. On the fourth day of creation week, the Lord made the “sun, moon, and stars”, and then after making Adam and Eve, He put them in the outdoors where they were exposed to the sun on a daily basis.
In Ecclesiastes 7:11 we are told that “there is profit to them that see the sun” and in Ecclesiastes 11:7, we are told “a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun” the word profit means to be beneficial. The Lord knew this so this is why he placed man outdoors.
Unfortunately, because of sin, we have major weather conditions that force us to live indoors. However, staying indoors on a regular basis has led to many sicknesses & diseases.
This is not because winter causes colds and flus, but because of a lack of sunshine during the winter months. As a matter of fact, in the last two years, medical science has shown that in just about every disease under the sun, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, etc., vitamin D levels are very low. They are now calling vitamin D deficiency a pandemic because about 90% of Americans are deficient.
According to the vitamin D experts, the minimum levels should be between 50-70 ng/mL, but doctors’ offices, clinics, and hospitals are saying that 20-30 ng/mL is normal. On the contrary, when levels are less than 30, calcium absorption cannot take place in the body causing a host of many problems, including arthritis. So sunshine is very critical. Be sure to get plenty of it every day. But be wise when you are out in it. Cover up to protect yourself from skin cancer. Drink plenty of fluids in the summer months. In the summer time, fairer skinned people only need about ten to fifteen minutes a day. Those with medium complexion about thirty minutes a day and those with a darker complexion about forty-five minutes.
When your face starts getting a rosy color, this is a sign you have had a good amount of sunshine. In the colder months, this amount should be doubled. The best time of day to go out is anywhere from about an hour after the sun comes up to before the sun is mid sky. Getting sun after this time can get you a good suntan, but not the proper levels of vitamin D.
Go to your doctor’s office and ask for a 25 Hydroxy test. Never ask for a “vitamin D” test because 30% of hospitals, doctor’s offices, and clinics do an incorrect test. Always be sure to ask them what your test results are. Never be satisfied with “you are within normal limits”.
In many cases, your doctor will probably prescribe one tablet of 50,000 IU’s that you are to take once a week. Unfortunately, research is showing that these pills are not very effective. So, what some are doing is getting a brand called, Nature’s Answer and taking anywhere from 4,000 IUs to 10,000 IUs (but we do not prescribe), so be sure to do your own research and consult with your doctor. By the way, when you take any vitamin D supplement, be sure to get retested every two months to check your levels. When possible, go out in the sun. Even in the cold months, bundle up and go outside when the sun is up.
Vitamin D was discovered back in the 1930’s and was improperly named. It’s not a vitamin at all. It’s actually a hormonal system.
- Vitamin D is responsible for more than 3000 functions in the body.
- In just about every disease known to man, lab tests show a marked deficiency in vitamin D levels.
- Vitamin D experts today say that proper levels should be between 80-100 ng/ML. In autistic children, research/studies found that those with levels at 80 and above showed a 180-degree turn-about in many patients. (The above is from the vitamin D Council)
- The correct test to check for vitamin D levels is called a 25 Hydroxy. 30% of doctors have the wrong levels checked (125 Hydroxy is the incorrect test).
- Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, so be sure to get the kind with olive oil or some other plant fat.
- During winter months, especially in states where there is a lack of sunshine, doctors say supplementation may be necessary. Remember, we have been counseled by Jesus through Ellen White to get all the sunlight we can.
- 95% of the world’s population would do well with 5,000 IU’s a day for just a couple of months. The other 5% would do better with 10,000 IUs. Some science is now showing that vitamin D supplementation may actually be toxic to the body, so use with caution.
- Vitamin D2 is known to be the most common form and is plant based.
- Sitting indoors in front of a window is not going to give you the proper levels of vitamin D needed to maintain good health.
- For everything God has made, Satan has a counterfeit.
- The very hours we have been told to avoid are the very hours that are most beneficial for our health.
- Improper times can have an effect on the units of vitamin D our bodies can make.
- The earlier hours of the sunshine are found to be more beneficial than the later hours.
- If your shadow is shorter than you are, then you are getting the wonderful levels needed. This usually takes place when the sun is mid-high in the sky. Every one minute in the sun gives you 1000 IUs of vitamin D.
- If your shadow is taller than you are, you are going to get a great tan, but not the best levels of vitamin D.
- There are benefits in seeing the sun. Medical science has proven that those who wear sunglasses do not get the proper benefits of vitamin D because the rays of the sun are not penetrating the eye. The rays of the sunshine enter the eye and then travel to the retina which then triggers the pineal gland (located in the brain) to release hormones in the body. This is responsible for 3000+ hormonal functions in the body. These functions will not take place unless the sunshine enters the eye.
To learn more about Vitamin D and how it works in the body, please go to the following links and listen to Dr. Scott Grivas who used to be with Wildwood Lifestyle Center:
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
- Part 3:
- Part 4:
To prevent sunburn, don’t wear sunscreen, put on more clothes according to new research:
- Improves sleep
- Decreases cholesterol levels
- Decreases blood sugar levels
- Helps lower High Blood pressure
- Decreases depression
- Helps with blood clots
- Elevates mood levels
- Improves digestion
- Helps with circulation
- Helps Alzheimer’s
- Improves heart rate
- Improves appetite
- Helps the liver to detoxify
- Helps in the fight of cancer
- Gives strength to the weak
- Improves memory
- Improves eyesight
- Helps in detoxification
- Reduces stress
- Improves lung problems like asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.
- Helps reverse colds and flu
- Helps in the removal of plaque from the arteries
- Gives tone to the skin
- Helps prevent skin cancer and other types of cancer
- Helps with over 2000+ hormonal functions in the body
- Helps improve thyroid function
- Strengthens the immune system
- Helps with bones
- Helps with the reduction of pain
NEWSTART + 6 The Fourteen Principles
- Nutrition: Eating a healthy diet.
- Exercise: Walking every day, outdoors if possible.
- Water: Drinking the right amount of water.
- Sunshine: Getting sunshine for vitamin D every day, even in the winter.
- Temperance: Abstain from the bad, moderation for the good.
- Air: Open your windows even in winter.
- Rest: Get the right amount of sleep.
- Trust in Jesus: Pray, study, and let God
- Dress: Modest dress for health.
- Words: Speak softly and kindly, never be vulgar.
- Attitude: Don’t pout, express feelings of anger appropriately.
- Hygiene: Washing and proper cleanliness
- Service: Helping others
- Posture: Sitting and standing the right way.
For more information read the following:
Do You Know God’s Proven Blueprint for Health?
Basic Principles of the Blueprint Healing Program
Basic Principles of the NEWSTART Complete Health Program
The Nutrition Principle of the NEWSTART Complete Health Program
The Exercise Principle of the NEWSTART Complete Health Program
The Water Principle of the NEWSTART Complete Health Program
Bible Quotes
Matthew 6:22
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light
Ecclesiastes 7:11
… there is profit to them that see the sun.
Ecclesiastes 11:7
Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun.
Genesis 1:14-18
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
Spirit of Prophecy Quotes (Ellen White)
Nature will want some assistance to bring things to their proper condition, which may be found in the simplest remedies, especially in the use of nature’s own furnished remedies–pure air, and with a precious knowledge of how to breathe; pure water, with a knowledge how to apply it; plenty of sunlight in every room in the house if possible, and with an intelligent knowledge of what advantages are to be gained by its use… {MM 223.4} (Ellen White, Medical Ministry, page 230, paragraph 2).
Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power–these are the true remedies. Every person should have a knowledge of nature’s remedial agencies and how to apply them. It is essential both to understand the principles involved in the treatment of the sick and to have a practical training that will enable one rightly to use this knowledge. {MH 127.1-2} (Ellen White, Ministry of Healing, page 127, paragraph 2).
I must become acquainted with myself, I must be a learner always as to how to take care of this building, the body God has given me, that I may preserve it in the very best condition of health… I must get all the sunlight that it is possible for me to obtain. I must have wisdom to be a faithful guardian of my body. {CD 302.3} (Ellen White, Counsels on Diet and Foods, page 302, paragraph 3).
Nature is god’s physician. the pure air, the glad sunshine, the beautiful flowers and trees, the orchards and vineyards, and outdoor exercise amid these surroundings, are health-giving–the elixir of life… {MH 263.2-264.1} (Ellen White, Ministry of Healing, page 263, paragraph 2 through 264.1).
…How glad would they be to sit in the open air, rejoice in the sunshine, and breathe the fragrance of tree and flower! … {MH 264.2} (Ellen White, Ministry of Healing, page 264, paragraph 2).
…nothing short of nature’s invigorating air and sunshine will fully meet the demands of the system… {FE 73.3} (Ellen White, Fundamentals of Christian Education, page 73, paragraph 3).
…the occupations requiring sedentary habits are the most dangerous, for they take men away from the open air and sunshine … {FE 319.2} (Ellen White, Fundamentals of Christian Education, page 319, paragraph 2).
Little children should be permitted to run and play out of doors, enjoying the fresh, pure air, and the life-giving sunshine… {FE 60.3} (Ellen White, Fundamentals of Christian Education, page 60, paragraph 3).
Your habit of riding out in the open air and sunshine has been very beneficial. Your life out of doors has sustained you so that you have the measure of physical strength that you now enjoy… {3t 75.1} (Ellen White, Testimonies for the Church Volume 3, page 75, paragraph 1).
Fresh air and sunshine, cheerfulness within and without the institution, pleasant words and kindly acts–these are the remedies that the sick need … {2SM 298.3} (Ellen White, Selected Messages Book 2, page 298, paragraph 3).
…pure air, good water, sunshine, the beautiful surroundings of nature–these are his means for restoring the sick to health in ways. To the sick it is worth more than silver or gold to lie in the sunshine or in the shade of the trees. {CH 166.3} (Ellen White, Counsels on Health , page 166, paragraph 3).
…I will do my utmost to show the life-giving power of sunshine and fresh air. How much better it is for the sick to be in the open air than within four walls… {MM 232.2} (Ellen White, Medical Ministry, page 232, paragraph 2).
It is worth more than silver or gold to sick people to lie in the sunshine or in the shade of the trees… {MM 233.4} (Ellen White, Medical Ministry, page 233, paragraph 4).
The Lord has provided antidotes for diseases…by using the blessings provided by God for our benefit we are cooperating with him. He can use water and sunshine…in healing maladies brought on by indiscretion or accident… {2SM 289.2} (Ellen White, Selected Messages Book 2, page 289, paragraph 2).
Make use of the remedies that God has provided. pure air, sunshine, and the intelligent use of water are beneficial agents in the restoration of health… {HL 247.3} (Ellen White, Health or How to Live, page 247, paragraph 3).
To refuse the remedies which they may as well have as not without paying a doctor’s fee, to neglect to let into every room in the house god’s pure air and sunshine, shows a lack of faith in him… {MM 262.2} (Ellen White, Medical Ministry, page 262, paragraph 2).
If you would have your homes sweet and inviting, make them bright with air and sunshine. Remove your heavy curtains, open the windows, throw back the blinds, and enjoy the rich sunlight, even if it be at the expense of the colors of your carpets. The precious sunlight may fade your carpets, but it will give a healthful color to the cheeks of your children… (2T 527.1) (Ellen White, Testimonies for the Church Volume 2, page 527, paragraph 1).
When God had made our world, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, he said, let there be light, and there was light. And God saw the light that it was good. Shall we close our houses, and exclude from them the light which god has pronounced good? {ML 138.6} (Ellen White, My Life Today, page 138, paragraph 6).
Some houses are furnished expensively, more to gratify pride than for the comfort, convenience, or health of the family. The best rooms are kept closed and dark, lest the light might injure the rich furniture, fade the carpets, or tarnish the picture frames. When visitors are permitted to be seated in these precious rooms, they are in danger of taking cold because of the damp atmosphere pervading them…whoever occupies beds which have not been freely exposed to the air and sunlight, does so at the risk of health, and often even of life itself… {CTBH 106.3} (Ellen White, Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, page 106, paragraph 3).
The guest chamber should have equal care with the rooms intended for constant use. Like the other bedrooms, it should have air and sunshine and should be provided with some means of heating to dry out the dampness that always accumulates in a room not in constant use. Whoever sleeps in a sunless room or occupies a bed that has not been thoroughly dried and aired does so at the risk of health, and often of life… {RY 130.3} (Ellen White, The Retirement Years, page 103, paragraph 3).
Every room in your dwelling should be daily thrown open to the healthful rays of the sun, and the purifying air should be invited in. This will be a preventive of disease. … if all would appreciate the sunshine, and expose every article of clothing to its drying, purifying rays, mildew and mold would be prevented… {hl 142.2} (Ellen White, Health or How to Live, page 142, paragraph 2).
No room is fit to be occupied as a sleeping room unless it can be thrown open daily to the air and sunshine. {MH 274.4} (Ellen White, Ministry of Healing, page 274, paragraph).
BOOK ABBREVIATIONS by Ellen G. White (See EGW Abbreviations tab under the Resources menu for a full list)
Only a physician can diagnose, treat, and prescribe for illness and disease. Living by the Blueprint neither diagnoses nor treats disease. We have provided this material as public information to explore the outcomes of natural remedies. Because of certain laws and restrictions, we must tell you that the information provided is not to diagnose, claim to prevent, mitigate, or cure such conditions. If you are ill, have any disease, are pregnant, or are trying to improve your health, we must tell you to consult a medical doctor for medical advice, treatment, and services.
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