Bible - Present Truth
Religion,  Bible

What is Biblical Present Truth?

2 Peter 1:12

Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth.

“There was a present truth—a truth at that time of special importance—in the days of Christ, of Paul, of Luther; there is a present truth for the church today.” The Signs of the Times, June 21, 1883.

“The storm is coming. War, famine and pestilence are already in the field of slaughter. Now is the time, the only time to seek a shelter in the truth of the living God. In Peter’s time there was present truth, or truth applicable to that present time. The church have ever had a present truth. The present truth now, is that which shows present duty, and the right position for us who are about to witness the time of trouble such as never was. Present truth must be oft repeated, even to those who are established in it. This was needful in the apostles’ day, and it certainly is no less important for us, who are living just before the close of time. {1868 JW, LIFIN 291.2} (James White, Life Incidents, page 291, paragraph 2)

What is present truth?

The simple definition of present truth is biblical truth that is most relevant for the people of God in the time that they are living. All the truths can be found in the Bible. There is not one truth that is not found in the Bible. We need to know all the truths in the Bible. At the same time, we must be clear about God’s present truth. Jesus is soon to return. We are the generation living in the end times, so it makes sense that the End Times Message is what is most important to us, in our time and should be considered present truth.

What is the present truth message?

The present truth for this generation is that Jesus is soon to return we need to be prepared. We need to study God’s Word daily as found in the Bible, the writings of Ellen White, and the writings of the Adventist pioneers. We need to reach the billions of lost souls in the world and most importantly It is time to prepare our hearts and minds to stand before a Holy God.

Revelation 14:12

Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

The saints are the ones saved. If you are not one of these saints, you are lost. The distinguishing mark of these saints are that they keep the commandments of God which are all of the ten commandments including the fourth commandment (the seventh day Sabbath) and have the faith of Jesus Christ.

Having the faith of Jesus means that the saints have accepted the righteousness of Christ in their lives. That faith is made manifest in the obedience to all of God’s commandments. The faith of Jesus does not destroy the law but rather fulfills the law. 

Matthew 5:17

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Although everything revolves around the seventh day Sabbath there are other important present truths that need to be studied and/or enacted:

  • The investigative judgment
  • The sanctuary message
  • The three angels’ messages of Revelation
  • The state of the dead
  • The special gift of prophecy
  • Leaving the cities and moving to the country
  • Healthful living
  • Medical missionary work

Living by the Blueprint will explore these topics and more as we seek to learn and teach the skills necessary for the end times.

Important Ellen White Quotes

Every branch of the work is needed, but every branch of the work is to be under the supervision of God. The medical missionary work is to be to the cause of God as the right hand to the body. It would not be right for all the strength of the body to go into the right hand, and neither would it be right for all the strength of the cause of God to be used in medical missionary work. The ministry of the word must be sustained, and there must be unity, perfect oneness, in God’s work. Those who have felt no interest in medical missionary work are treating the right hand of God’s cause disrespectfully. Let all such change their attitude toward this work. Let them speak as few words as possible until they stand in a right position. Silence is eloquence when the mind is not sanctified and therefore cannot discern spiritual things. { 8T 166.3} (Ellen White, Testimonies for the church Volume 8, page 166, paragraph 3)

We have come to a time when every member of the church should take hold of medical missionary work. The world is a lazar house filled with victims of both physical and spiritual disease. Everywhere people are perishing for lack of a knowledge of the truths that have been committed to us. The members of the church are in need of an awakening, that they may realize their responsibility to impart these truths. Those who have been enlightened by the truth are to be light bearers to the world. To hide our light at this time is to make a terrible mistake. The message to God’s people today is: “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” { 7T 62.1} (Ellen White, Testimonies for the church Volume 7, page 62, paragraph 1)

The gospel of health has able advocates, but their work has been made very hard because so many ministers, presidents of conferences, and others in positions of influence have failed to give the question of health reform its proper attention. They have not recognized it in its relation to the work of the message as the right arm of the body. While very little respect has been shown to this department by many of the people, and by some of the ministers, the Lord has shown His regard for it by giving it abundant prosperity. When properly conducted, the health work is an entering wedge, making a way for other truths to reach the heart. When the third angel’s message is received in its fullness, health reform will be given its place in the councils of the conference, in the work of the church, in the home, at the table, and in all the household arrangements. Then the right arm will serve and protect the body.—Testimonies for the Church 6:327 (1900). { CM 131.3 } (Ellen White, Colporteur Ministry, page 131, paragraph 3)

I saw the necessity of the messengers, especially, watching and checking all fanaticism wherever they might see it rise. Satan is pressing in on every side, and unless we watch for him, and have our eyes open to his devices and snares, and have on the whole armor of God, the fiery darts of the wicked will hit us. There are many precious truths contained in the Word of God, but it is “present truth” that the flock needs now. I have seen the danger of the messengers running off from the important points of present truth, to dwell upon subjects that are not calculated to unite the flock and sanctify the soul. Satan will here take every possible advantage to injure the cause.

But such subjects as the sanctuary, in connection with the 2300 days, the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, are perfectly calculated to explain the past Advent movement and show what our present position is, establish the faith of the doubting, and give certainty to the glorious future. These, I have frequently seen, were the principal subjects on which the messengers should dwell. { EW 63.1-2} (Ellen White, Early Writings, Page 63, paragraph 1-2)

The time is fast coming when the controlling power of the labor unions will be very oppressive. Again and again the Lord has instructed that our people are to take their families away from the cities, into the country, where they can raise their own provisions; for in the future the problem of buying and selling will be a very serious one. We should now begin to heed the instruction given us over and over again: Get out of the cities into rural districts, where the houses are not crowded closely together, and where you will be free from the interference of enemies.—Letter 5, 1904. { CL 9.5} (Ellen White, Country Living, page 9, paragraph 5)

More and more, as time advances, our people will have to leave the cities. For years we have been instructed that our brethren and sisters, and especially families with children, should plan to leave the cities as the way opens before them to do so. Many will have to labor earnestly to help open the way. But until it is possible for them to leave, so long as they remain, they should be most active in doing missionary work, however limited their sphere of influence may be.—The Review and Herald, September 27, 1906. { CL 24.4} (Ellen White, Country Living, page 24, paragraph 4)

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